Parent Guide

Are you a parent coming to PortCon? Looking for some answers to common parent questions? Look no further! Here’s a FAQ just for you!

Do parents get in free? No, parents will still have to pay a fee to enter the convention space. We can only allow so many people in, and we budget around that total number. If you want to attend in the hotel space (meaning you’ll be there, but not at the convention itself- perhaps in a room or over at the mall), and you never enter the con- you can skip registration; but you won’t be allowed to follow your children into the convention space.

What can you do in the area? If you’re not going into the convention- there’s a mall across the street and downtown Portland is less than 15 minutes away by car. There are also outlets in Freeport within a 20 minute drive and Kittery within 45 minutes by the highway.

How old does your child need to be to attend alone? Children must be 13 years or older to attend with out an adult. Anyone younger will be asked for a guardian. Even if they are 13, please take into account your child and your child’s needs before leaving them alone at the convention.

What if you want some quiet space, say to feed a child or take a break? We recommend planning for a quiet space before arrival. Personal hotel rooms or outside spaces can work best. The hotel also has a restaurant if you are looking for nearby food and just want a break from the crowds.

Want something to do while here? Consider volunteering! At con volunteer information can be found here.

What about content: is this completely kid friendly? There are 18+ events, but they are marked 18+ and no child under the age of 18 would ever be allowed into these carded events. All other events are all ages- meaning they are appropriate and are G or PG in nature.

Where is security? All security members wear bright yellow security vests. They should be pretty easy to spot! There is also a security table open all hours in the main lobby.

Where is registration? You can find registration in the main convention lobby. It’s directly in front of the vendor’s room and artist alley.

What is there to do? There’s a schedule online as well as in the bags you will be given upon entering the event. Everything is listed there along with descriptions!

Will there be someone watching my child? The short answer is no. We have staff throughout the convention making sure it’s safe for everyone, so all ages are being supervised. But no one will directly monitor your child during the event. If you are leaving a child over the age of 13, that means you believe they will be fine at a public event.


  • Make a meeting place outside of the convention area to meet up with your child(ren) if ever separated!
  • Have really young children? Write your name and contact number on the back of their badge so if they ever do get separated from you someone can contact you!
  • Look over the schedule and make a plan as to what you want to do. Having a plan in place the day before helps- pre-con the schedule is posted and available online!
  • Make sure your child has access to a phone (that is not silenced) and to your phone number. Make sure your phone is on all weekend, and that it is not on silent. That way they can contact you if they ever need to and you’ll be able to contact them!
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