Sponsorship Opportunities

There are many opportunities for sponsorship at PortConMaine.

Donation of Prizes: If you’d like to sponsor a particular contest please let us know. Any prizes donated in this manner will go towards the contest desired unless told otherwise. You will be listed as the contest sponsor and only so many sponsors will be accepted per contest.

Donation of Game Demos: Game demos will not be returned after the convention. Game demos, from video games to board games, can be sent in and will be scheduled for play during the weekend. Please make sure to set this up well in advance- by April, to make sure your demo gets listed as an event.

Donation of Auction Goods: If you’d like to donate to the charity auction please let us know. The charity auction is 18+- so materials here can be appropriate for any age, with the exception of illegal goods, bootlegged goods, and alcohol.

Donation of Services: If you’d like to donate a service for the staff or for attendees during the event we can arrange that as well. We have had photographers, artists, and massage therapists donate their time during the convention for the greater community. We have also had cooks and bakers donate food for staff.

Web and Social Sponsorship Blast: For $100 as money or as donated goods we will list you as a sponsor, post you in our registration guide, and do a social sponsorship blast. If you choose to send money directly, all of it will go towards prizes and event support at the con! Email info@portconmaine.com if interested.

Interested in donating to the event? Want to get your brand out to our community? Looking to have your game played by over 3,000 fans in Maine? Shoot us an email at info@portconmaine.com!

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